Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Jade Monfils greets the troops at DFW airport

I have been wanting to greet the soldiers at DFW airport for a very long time now. I am a little ashamed that it has taken me so long to do it, but this past weekend I had a great time! Miss Fort Worth, Ashley Johnson, was there bright and early to greet the incoming soldiers from Iraq. Many of them have been traveling for more than 20 hours just to arrive at DFW, just one stop on their way home. It is important to show them our support and to let them know that they are not forgotten. It was really emotional to see the faces of loved ones, after not seeing our soldiers for such a long time, it definitely brought tears of happiness to my eyes! There were several girl scouts troops there to greet them, and were so sweet to bring the soldiers my favorite....... girl scout cookies...... having been a Brownie and a Junior, I know how important giving back is to these little girls. I also ran into a huge group from JCPenney there, after talking to them and telling them that I work for JCPenney too, everyone was excited and now they want to write a story about me for the company paper. It was a great day and I was so glad that I got to share the experience with a fellow queen and the real heroes of our country!! :)

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