Friday, July 17, 2009

Good Luck!! from my SMART Girls class

This weeks class was all about how to carry yourself and act like a lady. We went over the proper way to walk, sit, and stand. I told them about the pageant and they all wanted to wish me luck (hence the signs....haha) There was a point when their hyper activeness kicked in, and I had to think of something to get their attention. I said "Girls! We are going to talk about............." as I thought of something to get their attention I said "BOYS" they all came running towards me and gathered in a circle to tell me all about their "crush" and who they thought was "sooooo cute"! Well it was a segway into future lessons, but I wanted them to know that boys are normal, but that they don't need for them to revolve around their whole lives, that they can do things for themselves first. I ended the day with signing some posters that I had made up. I always loved having posters on my walls when I was younger, and it is important that young girls have a positive role model to look up to!

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