Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Stand Up For Kids Announces Segway Off the Streets

"Stand Up for Kids" announced its collaboration with "Segway Off the Streets". The mission of "Stand Up for Kids" is to reach out to kids that are homeless, many are coming from abused households and they serve as a prevention and outreach organization. In the U.S. there are more than 1.3 million homeless youth. In 75% of cases it will only take two weeks for them to become involved in theft, drugs, or prostitution in order to survive. A man by the name of Mike Taylor will set off on a Segway, a small electric vehicle, on August 2, 2009 from Rochester, MN and travel 2,500 miles at 12 miles per hour to his final destination, Atlanta, GA where the National Headquarters of "Stand Up For Kids" is located. This very long journey, at a very slow pace, it will take him nearly two months but is for a very worthy cause. This is an amazing campaign, for more information about how you can help "Stand Up For Kids" and "Segway Off the Streets" (SOS Tour 2009) please visit

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